Endowus Review: 2 years on

I have been investing into the S&P500 using my CPF money. I have written about why I chose Endowus to invest my CPF money. You can read more about it here. Now is a good time to do a review since the S&P500 has been down almost 20% year to date. What has changed? I started … Read more

Singapore Savings Bond (SSB) Dec 2022 at 3.47% – Should you buy?

The interest rate for Singapore Savings Bond (SSB) Dec 2022 (SBDEC22 GX22120S) is at at 3.47% p.a. if held to maturity. This is the highest that we have ever seen in the history of SSB. If you invest $10,000, and hold it to Maturity at the 10th year, you would have earned $3,486.00. The 1st year’s interest rate is at 3.26%. … Read more

How easy is it to make money from blogging?

When I started this blog, it wasn’t out of intent to make money. It was more to document my journey to FI. Writing about what I believe will help me toward FI. If I had wanted to make money from the beginning, I wouldn’t start with personal finance, as it is a very competitive niche. … Read more

Where I am parking my idle USD funds

In an earlier post, I mentioned that I am sitting on a lot of USDC. I have since withdraw some of those out to my bank account. I have some parked in TIGER to DCA into SPY. And the rest were idling doing nothing like a lazy bum. Then I found out that DBS has … Read more

Singapore Savings Bond (SSB) Nov 2022 at 3.21%– Should you buy?

[The Dec SSB 2022 post can be found here.] The interest rate for Singapore Savings Bond (SSB) Nov 2022 (SBNOV22 GX22110A) is at at 3.21% p.a. if held to maturity. This is the highest that we have ever seen in the history of SSB. If you invest $10,000, and hold it to Maturity at the 10th year, you would … Read more

What is the big deal about Quiet Quitting?

When I first read about quiet quitting, I thought that sounds like I am just doing my job. What is quiet quitting? My understanding of it is, just doing what is required of your job’s responsibility, but not going above and beyond what is expected. What is so bad about that? Nothing, in my opinion. … Read more

How to buy Kujira Token on Osmosis – Step by Step Guide

I have found the easiest way to get $KUJI Tokens is to buy $ATOM from an exchange like FTX or Binance, transfer the $ATOM over Cosmos network, and then swap your $ATOM for $KUJI in Osmosis Frontier. Here is the step by step guide. Prerequisite: Buy $ATOM from any exchange. 1. Transfer $ATOM to your … Read more

Get Smart With Money – Key Takeaways

“Get Smart with Money” is a new documentary on Netflix that focuses on personal finance. It features 3 individuals and a couple with different financial backgrounds trying to reach their goals with the help of financial coaches. Spoilers ahead. Their Goals Early Retirement Couple John and Kim who are trying to reach Early Retirement. John … Read more