Which of these Singapore REIT ETFs should you invest in?

Do you want to be a landlord collecting income without doing all the hard work? I think these 3 different Singapore REITs ETF will interest you. Personally, dividend from my REITs contributes the 2nd highest income other than my salary. What are REITs? REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) invests in income generating real estates. Think … Read more

How to avoid being retrenched?

Steps that I’m currently taking to avoid being retrenched and to stop relying on only one source of income

How to simplify your finances

As a mother of a two and half year old toddler, carving personal time outside of work is hard enough, let alone making time to sort out my personal finances. This is why it is important to simplify your finances to save as much time you can. Have an account for savings and an account … Read more

How to become Financial Independence?

We all know the formula to Financial Independence is to have your passive income greater than your expenses. How do we go about doing that? I like to break this down into 3 parts. Reducing expenses Where is your money going? The first step to becoming financial independence is to reduce your expenses. In order … Read more