Q2 has been a busy quarter. So a bit of a life update here.
Long story short, I got promoted at work. It was a promotion that I didn’t expect. I was happy to cruise at where I was. Previously, I could finish my work in 5-6hours, and have loads of free time. But after this promotion, I feel mentally exhausted after work, no energy for any side hustle, hence the lack of updates on this site.
Anyway, here goes, alternative income for Q2.

Total income for Q2 came up to SGD$3,140.52. This time round, almost all the sources of income are passive income from TradFi sources.
There is no crypto or bot trading income this time round. At this point, I have kind of given up on bot trading, because there is just constant FUD in crypto exchanges. I don’t feel safe leaving any crypto on exchanges. So for now, I have most of my ETH in stETH.
USD FD/Bank Interest
As usual, because of the high interest rate environment, I have been parking my idle USD in DBS’s USD FD. They are yielding at 4%-ish, together with my cash in my bank account. I do have minor regrets about not deploying more cash into the stock market though.
Ad Revenue
Income from this has sort of maintained around USD$20-ish each month. I also haven’t been blogging as much as I should be. Mainly because I have been more busy with work now.
I have build up a SSB ladder, so that I get income every month. So this is coming along quite nicely.
Like I’ve mentioned in my previous blogs, I have been building up my income portfolio with bonds, Bank stocks and REITs. And this portfolio is starting to generate passive income. Q2 and Q4 will be when I see most of the dividend payout.
I am very happy with Q2’s results, because this quarter’s income is sooooo passive, that I barely did anything to earn them.
p.s I feel like this income chart looks like some wall street stock chart 😀