Should you keep finances separate as a married couple?

Recently, I came across this thread on Reddit. Basically the poster found out his wife of 4 years has a secret savings account and they are getting a divorce. I won’t comment who’s right or wrong. But I do feel that this is why it is important for married couples to have separate finances. Why … Read more

The Sunk Cost Fallacy in Investing

Have you ever eaten food that tastes bad, but you continue to finish it because you have already paid for it?  Or have you ever tried to win a toy at a fair, and in the end, you spend so much more that it would have been cheaper if you just bought it yourself? Or … Read more

The 3 Whys

My almost 3 year old daughter often drives me crazy with her constant questioning of whys. But did you know, one of the best way to find the root of a problem is by simply asking why? A couple years ago, I was really unhappy at work that I wanted to quit my job. I … Read more