February was an interesting month. We had the BUSD FUD, which in turn led to a Binance FUD again. It’s all so tiresome, so I had fun transferring assets in and out of Binance again.
And I am still bot trading using Bitsgap (read about my bot trading experience).
This is my result for Feb.

It may looked like I have lost money, but that is not the case. I stopped the bot on the 6 Feb because it looked like, from the chart, that there might be a huge pump coming.
And I was right. I made almost $4k off that trade, and swap for ETH with all of that. If I left the bot running, I would still have made profits, but it will be lesser.
And I later stopped the bot at a loss on the 13 Feb because of the Binance FUD. I sold everything for USDT and transferred out booking a loss of $700-ish.
I currently still have another 2 bots running. This time round, I’m trying not to restart the bot too much unless it goes out of range. Cause I think these bot parameters worked quite well with the pairs that I have, so far.

Total ETH stacked for Feb 2023 is 3.1255 ETH. These are ETH that I bought with profit. I have not added new cash into crypto since mid of last year.

And guess what? ETH is still deflationary! (at time of writing)

And just in the month of Feb, it has burned 39,820 ETH, compared to Jan, where it only burned 3,359 ETH. Just imagine how much deflation there will be in the next bull market.
Important event for this month is the Shanghai upgrade where staked ETH can finally be withdrawn. So it might be another volatile market in March.
At time of writing, I am still feeling very bullish for ETH. We just need enough people to believe in ETH and then it will be a ponzi no more!
As always. none of what I write should be taken as financial advice.
I leave you with this video: